Seeing the positive in times of crisis
I know we’re all focused on Coronavirus, and are worrying about the possible restrictions and depredations that might come with Lockdown - but Yoga teaches us that it is our perception that creates our reality - so perhaps we could look at the coming months in a different way... perhaps we could use this crisis to consider that it could help lead to a change in global consciousness? Everyone dismissed the Extinction Rebellion Movement last year, for trying to make everyone rethink how we live and work as a society - and yet everything they suggested (and we refused) is now being considered to try to slow the spread of disease: thinking globally but acting locally, restricting air travel, reducing car use, changing working practices and reevaluating our work/life balance to prioritise family and health instead... And in the first affected areas, the months long restrictions have led to a slowing down and humanisation of society - and a huge drop in the immediate environmental damage o