Seeing the positive in times of crisis

I know we’re all focused on Coronavirus, and are worrying about the possible restrictions and depredations that might come with Lockdown - but Yoga teaches us that it is our perception that creates our reality - so perhaps we could look at the coming months in a different way... perhaps we could use this crisis to consider that it could help lead to a change in global consciousness?

Everyone dismissed the Extinction Rebellion Movement last year, for trying to make everyone rethink how we live and work as a society - and yet everything they suggested (and we refused) is now being considered to try to slow the spread of disease: thinking globally but acting locally, restricting air travel, reducing car use, changing working practices and reevaluating our work/life balance to prioritise family and health instead... 

And in the first affected areas, the months long restrictions have led to a slowing down and humanisation of society - and a huge drop in the immediate environmental damage our urban living does: already there are reports of how Chinese cities are seeing their first blue skies clear of smog in years, and dolphins have been spotted in the Venice canals, and Cities have sung together and rediscovered that where they thought everyone only cared for themselves they were actually all neighbours and not enemies... 

Maybe, over the coming months, people may realise that life not only continues without the insane race to possesses and consume, but it is positively BETTER. And maybe they’ll discover that when we simplify our needs we find that the ONLY thing that matters is each other.

It is said that it only takes 20 days to learn a new habit: imagine how different the world could be in 12 weeks time. Imagine how much more possible it will be to persuade people that change is not only necessary but inevitable.

And the people who can make that change is us. Is YOU. If we change ourselves we can change society - change society and we could save the world...


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