There is no ‘healing’, no ‘salvation’...

I have had so many synchronous moments recently: words from the beautiful soul that was Ram Dass, moments with my therapist, even lyrics in songs and passing comments from friends - and I believe it is my SOUL quietly waking from its long, dark sleep - Echo herself, quietly whispering in my ear: “Listen!”

And so, I am starting to believe - to remember, perhaps - that there is nothing that I need to gain or learn in order for me to heal - for any of us to find peace. 

I have been lost in the darkness of my own Dark Night of self-doubt and shame, struggling and trying to find some special knowledge or ‘healing’ belief, some ‘salvation’ from myself - but in truth that’s just more of the same ‘not enough/unworthy’ negative-ego thinking that fuels my Depression, and has me beating myself up and feeling I’m especially ‘bad’...

Because Everything I need, everything I have EVER needed, is right here - right NOW.

The true path of healing may not be in trying to get somewhere else, or learn something new - not even in trying to gain something I lack: it is, instead, to simply learn to LET GO and love yourself, where you are, just as you are, RIGHT NOW. 

Almost every Sacred Text tells us that we are Spirit, Soul, incarnate - a fragment of the Divine itself, made manifest within the infinite Universe of GODS own cosmic body. We are the infinite, made manifest into finite matter, and penetrating into the unfolding of time - born from unchanging timelessness, and voluntarily, lovingly, binding itself into the forgetfulness of time, and for the single exquisite purpose of experiencing, and learning, and knowing the sublime beauty of its own unfolding - the utter beauty and purpose of its own evolving becoming

We are the fabled tamarisk seed - a minuscule fragment of potential that bursts forth in joy to grow and become a majestic tree, and that flows it’s life outward to form the flower - all so it may rebirth as a seed once more - crying in excitement and joy  “Again! Again!” with each new rebirth, joyously excited at the infinite possibilities of each new incarnation - and made anew with every breath, every new day.

So how can you still hide in the darkness of your own self-doubt and loathing? 

How can You feel you are ‘not enough’ when you are already more than you could ever know? 

How can you feel you need ‘saving’ when you are already where you need to be?

And how can you hide your head and heart from the light of your own, beautiful, endlessly unfolding DIVINE SELF - in all its beauty and humanity?

Know your Self. 

Love yourself. 

BE yourself.  

Perhaps that is the only healing there can ever be 🙏🏻


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