
It’s all connected. 

Every breath you take has been breathed by another first - every morsel of food and sustenance was once another living tybeing - every cell of your body only exists because of the network of life that supports and sustains it - and has done so on this gleaming, breathing, interpenetrating green and blue bubble of life we call ‘home’.

Every molecule of oxygen, every atom of Carbon, every proton and neutron and quanta of your existence was born first in the heart of a star - as energy transforms into matter and matter is converted once more into energy in an endless and almost infinite unfolding of potential - reborn over and over within the endless death and rebirth of the material Cosmos over millennia of time...

Now, tell me again how your life has no ‘meaning’ - or that you don’t feel ‘that’ person deserves your acceptance because they have more melanin in their skin than you - or dress a bit differently; tell me again how their right to life and happiness is not as strong as yours; tell me how you’re too busy to consider how your actions and beliefs may impinge (or sustain) those around you, or how you just ‘couldn’t live’ without mindlessly consuming junk you don’t need, that you don’t ‘see the point’ of #environmentalawareness or #Socialjustice, and just ‘don’t have time to recycle’.

Tell me again why you never find time just to stop, and breathe, and remember the absolute GIFT of life that we hold - and how you don’t care whether that gift is passed on to the future lives yet to be...

Tell me, honestly, right now, that you can see and know the irrefutable Truth of our connection - and not to be utterly changed by it...

(And, yes - I include my ‘future self’ in this reminder...)

May all who hear the bell come to wakefulness 


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