
Showing posts from April, 2022

WE are Risen!

The difference between the Western, #monotheism mindset and that of the East and of #animism, is the difference between ‘creation’ and ‘manifestation’ When you believe God to be an entity ‘out there’, a ‘someone’ who exists separately, and who then CREATES the world and man as ‘objects’, separate from ‘Himself’, you create a #dualism between ‘God’ and ‘the universe’ - ‘god’ and ‘not-god’. And that makes the World and our life in it something ‘second best’. Even worse, it paints Humanity as an object, a possession, or a ‘pet’ - who must be ‘saved’, and who must continually prove their ‘worthiness’ (and fearing His punishment and wrath). The Eastern and #occult mindset is different, because it understands that ‘the Divine’ is not an ‘entity’ separate from a ‘creation’, but that the Universe itself is the physical and temporal expression and manifestation of the Divine itself. There is no ‘God’ or ‘Buddha’ ‘out there’ somewhere: it’s all HERE - ALL god, all GOOD - and it’s all ONE.  We ar

Ban Conversion Therapy. Now!

Can I ask a political favour? Will you join me and @stonewalluk by emailing your MP to protest the Government’s shameful U-turn on their promise to #banconversiontherapy , and show them that decent people DO care, and will fight for ‘minority’ and #lgbtq🌈 rights? I know you’ll wonder why I’m taking this so personally, but it IS personal. I’ve not said directly, but even my Therapist agrees that my own #Depression and suicidal breakdowns have at their root the buried shame that I learnt from the #homophobia and #bullying I suffered as a gay child at school, and the ‘prayer-cure’ I subjected myself to as a ‘good Catholic’ teenager, and then 10 years of hiding the true reality of myself from family and friends, before finally finding the courage and #pride🌈 to come out in my mid-20’s. I’ve lived with the buried #trauma and self-hate of that  #internalizedhomophobia for 30 years - and it STILL grabs and drags me down when #triggered by events like these.  We can not let this next generat