You do not need money to be a witch

I’ve been seeing a lot online about the “Modern witchcraft” trend, and the idea that you have to pay to learn or practice Witchcraft.

Trust me, from a witch of 30 years;  Witchcraft is something you do - a way of knowing, Being and relating to the Earth and to Spirit (it’s literally “the Craft of Wisdom”) - it’s not something you can ‘buy’ off the shelf, or pay your way to possessing.

You don’t need ‘stuff’ to be a witch - you don’t even need ‘stuff’ to do a spell: candles, herbs, crystals, tools - they’re just ‘props’: the real magic is ENERGY directed by INTENT - and that ONLY comes from WITHIN. 

When I was initiated back the day (the the 80’s and ‘90’s when we were all unemployed, living in squats and bed sits and barely scraping by on benefits) we were warned to avoid those prepared to “sell their Tradition and their soul for the price of a paperback book” - and were actively encouraged to find, adapt or make our own tools and ‘magical’ items - just as the wise women and cunning men of the past did. We bought an old fishing knife and painted it black for an Athame, found an old goblet from a charity shop for a chalice, painted a pentacle on a breadboard and made a wand from a branch we cut and shaped ourselves; we even made our own incenses and candles, spell-bags and fithfaths - partly because ‘Witch shops’ were expensive and few and far between, but more because the MAKING of the tool was part of the process of magic itself!!!

I’m not against the ‘Modern Witches’ who charge online - ‘The workman may charge for their services’: witches and wise folk have always been paid for the spells and divination work we do - and our healing and counselling too - but I would quote the Buddhist ethic of ‘right livelihood’ and question: ‘ Might there be a better way to earn your living, in line with your Craft? If your income requires you to prey on those in need, are really being ‘spiritual’?

And as for the ‘Witchschools’, online courses, and pay-to-zoom for ‘secrets’ and validation - this is NOT the Craft of the Wise. 

The British Traditional Initiatory Craft does NOT - and never has - charge for initiation or training into our Priesthood. To do so contravenes our Laws, breaks our Initiatory Oaths, and demeans our contract with both our Ancestors and our Gods. All we ask of those who wish to learn our Craft and our Practice is for them to get here, and invest only their time, attention, and energy on learning alongside us (and yes, as a Coven we have even had Initiates who wanted the Priesthood so much they’ve travelled across Europe for every Sabbatt and Exbat, just so they could learn the Britis Traditions ‘properly’, and in person).

Witchcraft is the magic of the Folk - the oppressed, and the dispossessed - it does not require money or wealth, position or power - and anyone selling you different is literally just after your money.


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