Stars and Campfires in the night

Riley stops rowing. Looks up at the STARS above them... no light pollution. You can almost see the milky way.


That's where it call came from in the first place. Stars. Primitive man, they’re hunting and gathering and stuff all day long, but at night… they sit around campfires. Trying to stay warm, safe from predators. Nothing to do but talk.

And they look across the valleys and see other campfires: little spots of light in the landscape, and they know other people are out there, in the dark. And the know they aren't alone…

He looks up at the stars.


So then they see these little spots of lights in the sky. They don't know what they are, they don't have a clue about space, or stars, or light waves, they just figured they looked an awful lot like campfires.

Campfires in the sky…

’What kind of people must those be?’, they wondered... ‘lighting their campfires way up there’. 

So they start telling each other stories. ‘What Those people, they must be incredible. Those campfires, they must belong to people More powerful than we’ve ever imagined…’ 

So all of it - every God, every Goddess, every Religion and Holy War - they all started up up there. Huddled around the campfire in the night, wondering who the hell could have lit those campfires in the sky…

“Midnight Mass; Episode V: Gospel” - Mike Flanagan, Jamie Flanagan, and Gabriel Hobson [2021]


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